Preschool children have been learning about the Harvest Festival and the importance of helping those in our community. They went for a small trip to our local Tesco and donated some food items at their donation point. This will be distributed to charities, food banks,families and individuals who need it. The staff in Tesco were very grateful and the children all showed great pride in helping others in the world around us. 😊
After talking about the fruit and vegetables we grow, the children created their very own scarecrows using their imagination with various craft materials.
The toddlers have enjoyed creating their very own autumnal cheesecake this week during their cooking sessions, looking at autumnal colours and trying new ingredients.
The babies have enjoyed exploring lots of autumnal sensory play over the last couple of weeks, exploring new textures in various mark making materials and autumnal natural resources including painting, treasure baskets and playdough.